The Metroids: The Metroids once opened for a young Barack Obama during a political rally in DeKalb. We aren’t making that up. Some say that the future-president was so stirred by that fateful performance that it propelled him to where he is today. So you have the Metroids to thank/curse for that.* When not propelling people to glory, this classic three-piece (now sadly defunct) wrote and performed extremely high-energy hooky hydras that one could be humming for days. Each member of the group (Gary, Nat,and Andy) brought vastly different musical sensibilities together to form something that just felt so natural and organic. Between the three of them, they had (and continue to have) a hand in over a decade’s worth of great DeKalb bands. “Yelena” is from their final album
The Mad Titan.
Joshua Dumas: “Joshua Dumas makes things” reads the website banner of the Chicago-based composer, filmmaker, writer, performer, photographer, etc. One look at that website will show that yes, indeed, this man makes things. With a stunning (and enviable) amount of sheer talent and drive, Joshua not only makes things, but DOES things. He seemingly embodies those qualities that have always
driven great achievers to throw caution to the wind, disregard the harsh voice warning against failure, and see their visions through. It’s impressive is all we’re saying. His Silo and Sky submission “Iowa Sirens” is a gorgeous piece featuring field-recording, organ, synth, and piano. Of the titular sirens, Joshua writes:
“They play through-out the piece but the first roughly 20 seconds is just the [field] recording alone. It’s the tornado sirens in Iowa City. It is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.” Agreed.
The Rutabega: The Rutabega comes to us from South Bend, Indiana. Launched in 2002 as a solo-act of Joshua Wayne Hensley, the project grew to include multi-instrumentalist Garth Mason in 2011. This duo (bet you wouldn’t guess it’s just two guys just by listening would you? They sound huge don’t they?) has set out to bring their unique style of carp rock to the masses. Incidentally, I googled “carp rock” and
instead was offered the definition of “carpark,” which seems like a word that is its own definition. Anyway, “Turn on the Summer” is a wonderfully epic track from their newest album Brother the LightsDon't Work. To my mind, it is the perfect encapsulation to sum up what the album brings to the table: big drums, strong guitar work, deft vocal harmonies, and that certain carpy something.
Cousin Dud: Cousin Dud brings us "Illinois", a catchy rock tune from their lastest album, The Faded. Are we in heaven or in hell? It is not so clear when you live in Illinois. I guess these guys would know best since they are based in the apex of Illinois known as Chicago. According to the band, The Faded is "a louder look at love and loss in America's Heartland".
Churchburners: Churchburners is the experimental noise/rock project of Zach Ippen, founder and operator of Rockford, IL-based Green Tape Records. With a catalogue as varied as it is extensive, Churchburners whole-heartedly embraces the can-do DIY spirit that has kept the Northern Illinois scene so healthily eclectic and just plain cool. “Train Track Pennies” is a perfectly evocative title for this window-rattling outtake from the new Churchburners album harsh tokes 4 mellow folks, generously provided by Zach for this installment of Silo and Sky. Seriously, go back and listen to it while imagining you ARE the train-track penny. Makes total sense. Oh, and check out Greentapes for a ton of great music by folks from all over, including former Silo and Sky-featured bands!
Ooh Girl: Ooh Girl is fun music by fun people having fun. That such a humdinger of a poppy, alt-rock gem, that is their The Dave-il Came Downstairs, was recorded over one weekend in Chicago, boggles. I mean, are Nat and Mikey just wandering around with hundreds of infectious Malkmusy riffs in their heads at all times just ready to be played? Do they dream in lyrics that would make David Berman grin
and nod to himself with a “yeah man” expression on his face? I don’t have the answers to these questions, but my heart is telling me “probably.” Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to “Tipping Rock.” Ooh Girl indeed!
Cosmic Relief and the Black Hole Nothings: “Guitar Man,” a wonderful country love-letter to the workhorses of the music world and those who sling them, comes to us from Cosmic Relief and the Black Hole Nothings. Historically a one-gal band out of Chicago, Cosmic Relief creates beautiful, smart, folksy ballads with a combination of strong vocals, potent lyrics and reverb-tinged guitar. It’s a timeless sound that is only improved upon with the addition of these new (appropriately cosmic-sounding) Black Hole Nothings. It sounds like an album is forthcoming from these roadhouse heartbreakers. We’d really love for that to happen.
Nathan Dettman: Nate is a DeKalb community staple. He is likely to be spotted singing and playing his ukelele at an open mic downtown. His track "Good Times Now" is a bluesy-folk tune sure to wax your mojo. Nate's music is an extension of his community geared mindset, and deep interest in sustainability and organic farming.
Centaur Noir: Centaur Noir is the musical project of Jon Burns. A prolific painter, photographer and musician, it is no wonder he coined the darkly humorous and fabulous name, Centaur Noir. Jon is part of the covertly talented and underrated Quad Cities music scene. Jon's track, "Creatures of the Night", is from his recent release, Memoirs. Who are these creatures he speaks of? I am sure we have all known a few in our time.
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